I just consumed a huge plate of delicious home made food that was given to me by my neighbors. I am blessed by loving both sides of my neighbors. This is a big deal. I won't elaborate but when I lived in Southern California there was a neighbor who wasn't so neighborly. As I was eating the food, I …
Gratitude: The Ultimate in Receiving
Gratitude is transformational, and it connects us to the rest of the world in a way that nothing else can. Tune in for some ideas on how to practice gratitude this week. Even if you only have a few minutes, you can shift towards gratitude.Gratitude is the Ultimate in Receiving. Live as though …
Saying Yes To Money
This week's Podcast:As children, we had to ask permission for everything — and we're probably still in the habit of doing it! It's time move away from the old paradigm of scarcity, struggle, and permission. Today, let's move towards the power of saying yes to abundance, to success, and to …
Top 3 Ways To Shift From Lack
First of all - sometimes and I'm speaking from my own experience because I didn't see it at first. What we focus on grows. So if we are coming from a place of lack- that is what we get. I was on a trip to Southern California last week with a girlfriend having a fabulous time. One night and I'm …
What I am Looking For I am Looking With
I reviewed The Art Of Abundance - Ten Rules to a Prosperous Life by Dennis Merrit Jones for Good Vibe University this month. Great reference book. I wanted to share the fish parable because I loved it so much. I'm going to paraphrase it but if you want it word for word you can see it in the …
Changing Our Self Talk
I wanted to continue more on self talk as we go into October. It's that voice in your head that says you can't do stuff. It's the goblin saying its too difficult so there is no point in trying. You might be playing in your head something your Mom, Dad or friends said. They told you things …
3 Best Tips to Love Money In
If I had to say the top 3 best tips on how to bring in Money - this is how I would sum it up WORTHINESS . When money is flowing in , no matter how much, big or small- when we notice that it has slowed down -- What to look at first is worthiness. Subconsciously we may stop the flow because we are …
Is It About the Money?
In lieu of recent events, with the sudden passing of celebrities, I keep hearing or seeing this phrase that keeps coming up. I hear , " they had so much money and yet they still were not happy or not fulfilled." When I hear that, I think about - is that a limiting belief? Do you believe if you …
Happy Year of the Dog!
Happy Lunar New Year! Big time energies rolling in. I'm sure many of you can feel it. It's going to be a good year for lifestyle changes, for new businesses to flourish! Our sensitive and creative minds will need to be nourished so we can continue to create what we desire. Its a good time for …