I was at the Science and Spirituality Conference last week in Vancouver BC. It was awesome. I have so much I want to share. I find myself sharing it with anyone that will listen. While I took 23 pages of notes just on Gregg Braden's talk. I will share some of my highlights here. Hope you enjoy. We …
The Money Alchemy Blog
Is It About the Money?
In lieu of recent events, with the sudden passing of celebrities, I keep hearing or seeing this phrase that keeps coming up. I hear , " they had so much money and yet they still were not happy or not fulfilled." When I hear that, I think about - is that a limiting belief? Do you believe if you …
You Are Not Just Your Vocation.
A good friend of mine gave me inspiration for this post. She realized that she was not her job. She is a highly skilled and a master at what she does. But doors started closing on her. She did a mini freak out. These doors that were closing was MONEY that she had learned to depend on. When they …
Question: Why Am I so Unlucky
I said I do love questions and here's another one that rolled in. I didn't get an email so I couldn't reply directly back but I will here. Question was: "Please tell me why I'm so unlucky on anything in life please help me to understand." Well first of all I don't really believe in luck. I do …
Question: How do you feel better about Money going out?
Such a great question I received the other day. The full question was: “ I still have a very strong feeling of fear about spending money. Anytime I have to pay bills or spend money on things particularly, "fun" things, or making my world nicer like fixing up my apartment which really needs help. …
An Interview With Ming Chee
Here's the link to the interview with Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/interview/Ming888 I would love it if you had additional questions for me to add them in the comments! Thank you! What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you? Social Media has been the most …
Creating Money Affirmations
One of my clients has graciously agreed to allow me to share her limiting money beliefs and how she changed them to money affirmations. If you have worked with me for a minute you'll know I will ask you what 2 words come to mind when you think about money. It's not a good or a bad thing it's just …
Celebrating a BIG MONEY win!
Today's I'm celebrating my client's win of $300,000. WOO HOO! So let's look back and see what she did to manifest that money. She's currently celebrating her manifestation. I know she used her money crystals or money stones. You can use any kind of crystal that has an affinity for abundance. …
What is Lack Consciousness?
What is lack consciousness? It's a feeling that there isn't enough to go around. When my niece was little she thought love was like a pie. That it would run out, there wouldn't be enough love for her from her Auntie. This can be something we learned from our parents or maybe it was even a past …