First of all – sometimes and I’m speaking from my own experience because I didn’t see it at first. What we focus on grows. So if we are coming from a place of lack- that is what we get.
I was on a trip to Southern California last week with a girlfriend having a fabulous time. One night and I’m not quite sure where it came from but I started looking at menu prices. Writing about it now makes it so clear to me. But at the time I had slipped into an old habit. Now there is nothing wrong with looking at menu prices but for *ME* it’s a sign of lack. Because when I do that- it’s sends me to fear mode. When I got home I caught myself telling the story of the restaurant bill. It didn’t hit me till this morning.
- Realizing where you are coming from. Noticing that you have shifted your focus to lack. Once you realize it- then you can shift it. What I did is some affirmations – that I have more than enough. The Universe always supports me. Abundance is everywhere.
- Notice around you what you have. No matter what it is- we all have abundance around – tap into the energy of it. I started looking even in my office, my bedroom, my car, my friends – tapping into that abundant energy and feeling the deliciousness of it. There is no effort, there is no “doing” , there is no struggle or strife. That is all I started tuning into.
- Shifting the physical around you if you need to. Sometimes just a little outward change can shift the inside feelings. Remember its all how we feel that matters!
Let’s practice this and get back to me.
Ming, this resonated so deeply within me. I have been *attempting* to manifest something specific for almost a month now and after reading your piece—it hit me. I’ve been tuned into the *attempt* and the fact that it hasn’t shown up yet. I’ve been focusing on the lack of it in my life. How silly?! I AM a manifesting muggle. I can create anything into my reality-including something specific. The universe has my back and supports me! It’s a done order 😉
Thanks for pointing out that even is manifesting muggles who think we have this LOA thing mastered can sometimes forget to focus on the reality we intend!
Gabi, so glad to hear you got some inspiration from my focus on lack. It really just crept in and then it started to grow! Yes, just set the intention – let it go – and focus on the good stuff!