If you have a wealth mindset, your brain will pick that up as your reality. Our minds really are that powerful! Let's focus on high vibrational words to bring us into that wealth mindset. …
Dialing Back Our Thoughts
We know that what we focus on grows. It's the law of attraction. Like attracts like. For instance, I have an aging dog. It's so difficult to watch her age, in fact it's downright painful. Not long after that Lucy started to lose her hearing! I had to tap her on the shoulder to get …
What I am Looking For I am Looking With
I reviewed The Art Of Abundance - Ten Rules to a Prosperous Life by Dennis Merrit Jones for Good Vibe University this month. Great reference book. I wanted to share the fish parable because I loved it so much. I'm going to paraphrase it but if you want it word for word you can see it in the …
3 Best Tips to Love Money In
If I had to say the top 3 best tips on how to bring in Money - this is how I would sum it up WORTHINESS . When money is flowing in , no matter how much, big or small- when we notice that it has slowed down -- What to look at first is worthiness. Subconsciously we may stop the flow because we are …
You Are Not Just Your Vocation.
A good friend of mine gave me inspiration for this post. She realized that she was not her job. She is a highly skilled and a master at what she does. But doors started closing on her. She did a mini freak out. These doors that were closing was MONEY that she had learned to depend on. When they …