This week's podcast:Wanting something is not enough. You have to believe it so that you can achieve it. Let's set the intention to raise our expectations — and tap into our imagination along the way. Once you set things in motion, you'll find there's a lot of momentum behind belief!The Universe …
law of attraction
Sending Love to Our Taxes
This week's Podcast:Tax season is upon us, but that doesn't have to be a source of anxiety. Before you get out your receipts or crunch any numbers, let's set an intention that it will be easy — and send some love to taxes.First take a deep breath and set an intention of ease and entertain the …
What’s Your Story?
"Whether it's about work, love, your health, or money, we can tell our own stories. Take a closer look at the story you're telling — because you might need to change it." (The story I'm telling myself today is that my kitty's dental surgery WILL go smoothly!)Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes …
Focus on Love Not Grief
Three days ago my beloved Pembroke corgi Lucy transitioned. The decision came fast. Lucy made it very clear it was time for her to go. So many tears, and much pain. It hasn't been easy. Grief is not a fun ride but a necessary one . If you have known me for a second you know I always say what you …
Limiting Beliefs Can Restrict Money
Let's talk about one of my all time favorite topics: limiting beliefs. What could you manifest if you saw them for what they are? Remember, "if you're aware, you're halfway there." …
Activating Abundance!
I'm doing an Abundance Series for Good Vibe University this year. January was all about an abundance of people. Since that has been activated I have found myself appreciating all the people around me. From the lady at Fred Meyer that is so kind to me to my supportive friends to my awesome …
Dialing Back Our Thoughts
We know that what we focus on grows. It's the law of attraction. Like attracts like. For instance, I have an aging dog. It's so difficult to watch her age, in fact it's downright painful. Not long after that Lucy started to lose her hearing! I had to tap her on the shoulder to get …
Bringing in 2019!
Here we are about to head into 2019! I always choose a word, a phrase or a theme for my year. Then sometimes I forget about it. But it's like setting an intention and then letting go. Last year's word was Transformation. Looking back , wow did I get just that. Many things changed within me and …
What Inspires YOU?
I got inspired to do something new next year. It was something that I had been resisting for such a long time . It had been brought to my attention several times. It didn't feel good. It was actually intimidating to me. If it's not fun I'm not doing it. That has been my motto for a long time. …