I read in the Course in Miracles Made Easy: If you can realize how rich you already are, the car will show up as a manifestation of your wealth mentality. Like love, there are no external prerequisites to the experience of wealth. All the riches you could ever desire already exist right where you stand. “Remember that you are deprived of nothing”
This really got me thinking about the mentality of wealth. Its mind set. Wealth is a mindset. Abundance is a mind set.
Psychologists tell us that the subconscious cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. The images we impress upon our mind, especially when accompanied by emotion, yield the same experience whether they are true or fictional. So when we tune into that wealth mindset, our brain knows that as our reality. Our brain starts to pull in that abundance or wealth. Whatever it is that we want to manifest.
Its that whole thing when I decided I wanted to purchase a VW Jetta Wagon when I had not seen one before. All of a sudden I am seeing them everywhere. I love that our minds are THAT powerful.
What we focus on grows.
Which is why we focus on love, on joy, on abundance, on service. Focusing on all of that brings it more to us.
I was talking to a new client this morning and we were reviewing again high vibrational words to bring in that wealth mind set: gratitude, laughter, kindness, love, abundance, joy, freedom, compassion.
To master anything – all it takes is practice. So join me in practicing developing a strong wealth mindset.
Yes! I have been spending time daily imagining that the things already in my vibration have made it to my 3-D reality. So much fun to do!
Thanks Ming for this great reminder and vibe lifter. I love the high vibing words!
Yay Leslie for joining in mastering a wealth mindset. It *IS* fun isn’t it? 🙂
I affirm I am Rich, Wealthly and Secure, because I am. There is evidence all around me confirming this. I choose to celebrate and BE the joy and happiness I think I’ll have once more shows up.
Crazy! Now gets really, really juicy — Rich, Wealthy and Secure when I AM and I BE. 😀
Yay for juicy Dana. I love your affirmations and join you in them as well. Love that you are choosing to celebrate and BE!!!!