Here's the link to the interview with Smashwords: I would love it if you had additional questions for me to add them in the comments! Thank you! What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you? Social Media has been the most …
The Money Alchemy Blog
Creating Money Affirmations
One of my clients has graciously agreed to allow me to share her limiting money beliefs and how she changed them to money affirmations. If you have worked with me for a minute you'll know I will ask you what 2 words come to mind when you think about money. It's not a good or a bad thing it's just …
Celebrating a BIG MONEY win!
Today's I'm celebrating my client's win of $300,000. WOO HOO! So let's look back and see what she did to manifest that money. She's currently celebrating her manifestation. I know she used her money crystals or money stones. You can use any kind of crystal that has an affinity for abundance. …
What is Lack Consciousness?
What is lack consciousness? It's a feeling that there isn't enough to go around. When my niece was little she thought love was like a pie. That it would run out, there wouldn't be enough love for her from her Auntie. This can be something we learned from our parents or maybe it was even a past …
An Abundance Mindset
You have heard me talk about it in the past where Abundance isn't a place to go to it's a place to be. It's a mindset. Over the next few weeks to months we'll be exploring different ways of that mindset. It's a wealth consciousness that we will be tapping right into. The words are coming to me, …
Pleiadian Channeling by Micheila Sheldan
It's never a dull moment in my life. haha. There is always something going on. As you know I love the metaphysical - fairies, angels, dragons, goddesses - I did mention the Pleiadians in my book. I came across Micheila Sheldan on a youtube where she was on an E.T Panel. I was so intrigued that I …
Don’t Worry Be Happy
When I was young I used to worry a lot. Not sure why but it was habitual. There always seemed to be something to worry about too. If it wasn't about myself it was about others. Those ongoing thoughts were natural and logical too. If you think about it, worrying is a counter intention . You are …
Worthiness = Unconditional Love = Energy = Money
In speaking with people on money I consider what the take home message would be. It was hard to pin point just one aspect . But what I really want people to come away with reading my book is just to feel comfortable around Money. Money isn't a bad thing or to be afraid of. Almost every single …
Creating a New Reality
I learn a lot by observing. Observing myself is a big one. Observing you - yes, I may learn a lot as well. But sometimes I step out from myself and watch myself. I have been practicing this for so long that its something that I can step outside myself and watch. My responses I have seen over …