There are many things on our planet that give us symbols of abundance. When I was practicing to manifest money, I looked for all sorts of assistance. The number 8 came to be often. Many times I would see 888. I would actually put my focus on these numbers knowing that they were signs of wealth. …
The Money Alchemy Blog
The Exciting World of Quantum Metaphysics
I am so lit up about a book I just finished reading . I have to share a few excerpts. The book itself is such a high vibration I feel changed from within. Parts of the book went way over my head but I didn't care I forged on. The name of the book is Quantum Revelation by Paul Levy. It's a long …
Inviting the Money Fairies In
I call this also an invocation. For those of you that signed up for my newsletter here you received a free Dragon Invocation. I recently had it put to music so those coming in new will have music while you listen. Regardless it works. It's an invitation to allow the elementals in to assist you with …
I Wasn’t Raised That Way
I just consumed a huge plate of delicious home made food that was given to me by my neighbors. I am blessed by loving both sides of my neighbors. This is a big deal. I won't elaborate but when I lived in Southern California there was a neighbor who wasn't so neighborly. As I was eating the food, I …
Tending To Our Vibration
Our vibration is a good indicator in where we are at. If we are in fear, lack and anxiety our vibration could use some tending to. The Universe is listening and responding to our vibration. It's not a matter of whether we are good or bad, it is what we our vibrating. If we are worried about …
Practicing to Remember For Manifesting
I am reading a really cool book called The Remembering Process by Daniel Barrett and Joe Vitale. Lit up before I had even finished the first chapter. Books like that are so fun to read. It resonated with me as they are talking about "remembering" and even writing a remembering journal. Instead of …
Top 3 Ways To Shift From Lack
First of all - sometimes and I'm speaking from my own experience because I didn't see it at first. What we focus on grows. So if we are coming from a place of lack- that is what we get. I was on a trip to Southern California last week with a girlfriend having a fabulous time. One night and I'm …
Letting Go When It’s Hard
As time goes on with the passing of my corgi Lucy. There are certainly good days and okay days. The nights now have been more difficult than the mornings. I'm not sure why it switched up. Maybe it will switch back. Yesterday morning all I wanted to do was to stay in bed and not go to yoga. Now I …
Focus on Love Not Grief
Three days ago my beloved Pembroke corgi Lucy transitioned. The decision came fast. Lucy made it very clear it was time for her to go. So many tears, and much pain. It hasn't been easy. Grief is not a fun ride but a necessary one . If you have known me for a second you know I always say what you …