I have been asked this question several times now. (I love questions by the way!) The question is what were my affirmations and what are my affirmations and do they change. It really made me consider this. Since this is my 5th straight year of reciting affirmations. The reason I enjoy them so much …
Becoming A Thought Billionaire !
Recently my clients have been coming to me to manifest BIG money. I mean BIG money. Its really a lot of fun for me as I have been playing with the big energy of money myself to even get to a higher vibration. (So for me, I've been playing with the word currency - because it feels delicious and …
It’s All about Alignment!
How do we manifest what we want? Why does it not seem to come fast enough? Can you change that? These are some common questions that I receive all the time. The answer: Its all about alignment- vibration. What are you thinking? Your thoughts have power. What we focus on grows. If we focus …