If I had to say the top 3 best tips on how to bring in Money – this is how I would sum it up
WORTHINESS . When money is flowing in , no matter how much, big or small- when we notice that it has slowed down — What to look at first is worthiness. Subconsciously we may stop the flow because we are actually getting uncomfortable with the amount coming in. I have talked to people that when big money starts to come in , they start to down play it, even hide it from others! That is where the money allergy comes in. Could you have gotten the sniffles in reaction to money?! Awareness is the key. Once you realize it’s a worthiness issue, practice self love. Do some I AM worthy statements which are very powerful. Amp up that feeling within that your birthright is to be abundant. Self love is key in the equation of money. Remember worthiness = unconditional love = energy of Money.
LETTING GO OF ATTACHMENT. When we set an intention for an amount of Money, or a financial goal, it’s important to let go. Attachment slows everything down. When we have a worry, impatience, a need, a want.. it all sends a signal to the Universe that we aren’t trusting. When we let go and stay present – practicing our self love and know that we are worthy- the Money can come in and delight us magically. Too often we kept looking for the money, causing anxiety – and attachment. So let go, trust and the Money will come. This also allows the magic to come in. Blue money can literally come out of the blue when we let go.
GRATITUDE. Gratitude is the Ultimate in Receiving. We must be good receivers and say YES to Money. As Money comes in, love it up. Show Money how much you are so happy to see it. Money is energy and responds to energy. Gratitude sparks that heart brain connection and gets the neurons in our body flowing to rejuvenation and healing. As we are grateful – more good stuff just comes our way. It will just keep coming as we practice gratitude. It will move us into a wealth consciousness , a state of abundance. As we live in this new consciousness, the prosperity and wealth will be yours always. That feeling of gratitude goes a very long way.
There are other ways to bring in money as well but if you practice these 3 you cannot go wrong. Here’s to all of us shifting our mindset to a consciousness of abundance.
This is excellent. I didn’t realize my tendency to want to hide my wealth from others comes from a feeling of unworthiness. Makes sense. Like I have to apologize for it. No, I don’t. I’m worthy. I’m entitled. I’m blessed. And the letting go, for me, needs some work too. I used to be very good at trusting. But then…… you know how that goes. You get sideswiped and there goes the trust. This is a good reminder.
Karen, that is powerful. Thank you for sharing. What an awareness too. You are blessed and it is our divine birthright.