In speaking with people on money I consider what the take home message would be.
It was hard to pin point just one aspect . But what I really want people to come away with reading my book is just to feel comfortable around Money.
Money isn’t a bad thing or to be afraid of.
Almost every single day I receive an email from someone that has read my book and how its changed their lives around how they feel about Money.
Yesterday a woman wrote me and told me she has fallen in love with Money! Now is that music to my ears. People are understanding and getting it!
I have been looking at the equation of Money lately.
Just looking at the words and realizing how powerful this equation really is. How our worthiness is directly related to our Money vibration.
I have asked people to just sit by themselves and think about their worthiness and in relation to Money.
People say they have received such awareness with tears streaming down their face – realizing their worthiness is related to how they perceive Money.
Conscious awareness is such a powerful thing.
If you can remain in this new state of consciousness – stay there and just immerse yourself in this reality, you will feel a shift, a transformation within you.
There isn’t so much you have to do per se than it is just feeling that vibrational shift within you.
Awareness is a powerful thing. I always say if you have awareness you are half way there!
The other part of the equation is unconditional love.
When I look at that it’s unconditional love for one self.
It’s self love. Self love is integral in manifesting Money. Therefore shifting our relationship to Money.
Love is such a high vibration, in fact the highest vibration. Money is also at a very high vibration – which makes sense since it is in the equation of Money.
If you practice self love- Money comes even when you’re not thinking about Money. It’s all tied in together.
Therefore, I invite you ponder these thoughts about worthiness, self love and Money. I too am going to seek for more understanding of it. I feel like I’m just scratching the surface.
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