Any one that knows me well knows I have a thing for Superman. I have had a “thing” for him since I was a kid. I remember being probably 5 years old and wanting to be him. I had the red shorts, the red cape. As a teenager, I used to go downtown Seattle to the large department store (Any of you remember Frederick and Nelson) sit in the comic book section and read all I could . Then I would purchase a few comics as well. I had a STACK of Superman comic books which later I found out , my Dad threw them away! ( I told him he threw away millions of dollars, yeah, that didn’t make him happy. But imagine how unhappy I was!)
My fascination with Superman has not ended. But now I pretty much love all superheroes. Why? I love that they all have super powers of some kind.
Another little secret about me. When I need a vibration lifter, I watch Supergirl. Yeah, you may think that is silly but I LOVE that show. It makes me laugh, it makes me smile. It can shift me out of a sad mood.
When I think about it, we all possess some kind of super power. Maybe its your compassion, your empathy, your kindness, your humor! Maybe its your ability to manifest anything! Maybe its your ability to love with out judgment.
I think today I will embrace Pollyanna as one of my super powers. Sometimes I think its not a good thing. Since I tend to learn lessons from embracing Pollyanna. But she is, isn’t she a bad ass. 🙂
We all have a super power. Maybe its your love for rescuing animals. I know amazing people that do this.
Reiki is a super power. Being a healer. Being a teacher too. Any kind of teacher is a super hero. Anyone that does any kind of service.
See where I’m going here? EVERY one has a super power. So embrace it, love it , nurture it.
I would love to hear what yours is.
Thanks for sharing this Ming, I am embracing my superpower as that of being a teacher. I love teaching people all of the shit I wish I knew years ago. It’s freeing to serve. Also, let me say this….thanks for sharing your superpower! I am rereading your book. I have so many favorite parts, and so many take aways. And again, thank you for sharing your superpower.
Lynn, being a teacher is surely a super power. I totally agree it is freeing to serve. I’m happy to hear you are enjoying my book as well. Thank you for stopping by and leaving comments. Yay!
I love this! My super-power is my ability to connect with people, and then blend my knowledge and insight to help them to live more fulfilling lives. I think I take it for granted a lot of the time, but I get such great feedback, that there’s gotta be something to it!
Patricia- that is definitely a SUPER power. Connecting with people is one of my core values so I loe that you have that ability. You helping them lead more fulfilling lives, how awesome are YOU?!
Ming my superpower is writing and I have another – sharing Reiki! Thanks for helping me think about it this way!!!
Yes Leslie being a HEALER is a big time Super power! Being a writer as well. Such talent, get out there – write – ! Get your message out . Did you know you can Reiki your writing as well? When people read what you write they also receive the energy healing as well.
Ah, what a Super Power! 🙂
I think my perception of my super powers have changed through my life. What I once thought it was, turned out it was only something I was good at, but not necessarily a reflection of my true authentic self.
Recently, I’ve discovered that my super power is my enthusiasm to be who I truly am, live my passion and love what I do and to inspire others by my example to do the same! For me, that’s what life is all about!
Thanks for asking Ming!
I agree Mindy. I believe our Super powers can change. Or maybe they evolve and grow – but yet are still originate from the origin. I bet that enthusiasm you have for life has always been there even as a young child. I’d be curious to know!
Inspiring others by example, BIG TIME Super power!!!
Hi Ming!
My superpower is asking questions. Knowing the perfect question to ask that is not always so obvious. A psychiatrist friend once told me that I ask “the extra question”…usually the one that most people wouldn’t ask, but it contains the “gem”. I know exactly what to ask whether I am coaching or interviewing with someone. I know at that time I am in connected to Source and am just a channel for it…very cool.
Love it Laura. Looking forward to when you ask me that “extra” question! WOOT! Everyone loves a good interview. Yay
for your Super Power!