A new awareness is coming in for me. The word ”currency” keeps popping up for me in many different ways and forms. The obvious one is money of different countries. But oh so much more, deeper, richer, more profound.
Perhaps it may seem obvious now that it’s being mentioned. But what is it? Yes, its wealth consciousness. But I want to dig in deeper into this. Who’s with me? Yes, we know abundance is all around us. We just need to tap into it, align to it. But I feel like I’m just scraping the surface of this.
Could it just be— Living the Life of Our Dreams?! I have been writing mini chapters on what that might look like for me.
Sure, we all want to manifest money. Why? It’s not the money itself but what the feeling it brings. Security, freedom, joy…. But what if, we didn’t need money anymore. You reply what?! How can that be. Money is shifting. Money Alchemy— the transformation of money.
Ah, that’s spiritual currency isn’t it.
Let’s all starting thinking on, writing it out or putting up Pinterest pictures on what that life would look like.
Creating wealth in our spiritual banks. But let’s go even deeper than this. That’s just the top of this massive beautiful mountain of exploring What is Spiritual Currency.
Let’s do this together.
PS. Would you believe all this inspiration is coming from a painting by Aida Murad. More on that later.
sounds like fun! i’m in!
As we are all co creators here —- this is the how we access or use this spiritual currency …
Ask yourself what and how does it feel to live the life of your dreams?
Focus on one aspect of this. Such as love, friendships, business , etc and muse upon it, write it out… or whatever feels good. Like Jeannette’s pray rain.
I have a feeling that as we put some focus on what our dream life would look like – we align to it and as puzzle pieces come together… it will form!!!
That does sound like fun! Count me in too!
Great! Get a journal or notebook and title it my dream life ! Chapter one — maybe write an index of what that would look like !