I am so lit up about a book I just finished reading . I have to share a few excerpts. The book itself is such a high vibration I feel changed from within. Parts of the book went way over my head but I didn’t care I forged on.
The name of the book is Quantum Revelation by Paul Levy. It’s a long book. But the more I read , the giddier I got. The second half of the book is called Quantum Metaphysics. Just those 2 words put together sent me over the top in joy. First of all, I have been studying quantum physics for awhile. I also am a student of Metaphysics. Putting the two together is like cake and the icing on top!
I can’t stop talking about the book. I also have been looking at every situation and things I want to manifest in Quantum Physics way.
Here’s are some highlights: We have in our power to change (or recreate) ourselves. Most of us, however don’t know this. But this power is not ours in the sense that we don’t possess, or control it. It is a power that is beyond us. This power comes from and is itself the spontaneous creativity of the quantum realm that pervades the whole universe and our very being. This power is always flowing through us. It is merely a question of whether we have fallen into the habitual pattern of blocking it or whether we let go and align ourselves with the creative power of the quantum to manifest itself through us. All genuine spiritual practices are about deepening our familiarity with this power of quantum creativity, a power which is truly our birthright.
Finding the quantum realm is like discovering the Holy Grail ; its magic can potentially change everything.
Our creative power, where in lies our potential gift to the world, is nevertheless always present within us.
As if we al have an unknown superhero power, the very power of creation lies invisibly enfolded within our field of attention. Quantum physics reveals to us that turning the gaze of our attention towards anything is a powerful creative act that alters, energizes and potentiates whatever our gaze falls on.
These are just some tiny tidbits from the book. This is probably the best book I have ever read. If you are a member of Good Vibe University you can listen to the book club call I did with Jeannette Maw on it. You’ll hear how excited I am . But seriously, it’s a life altering book.
Ming this is awesome!! I just read Educated, really loved this book:-) Im going to read Mr Levy book!! Thanks
Yay! Let me know what you think!