Recently I had the pleasure of doing some Money Alchemy sessions in person. It was SO much fun. Part of the fun was seeing the shift in the faces in the physical body. I could literally see PEACE and RELIEF . That's what it is all about too. Just feeling exactly that. Peace and Relief. I …
money manifesting
Manifesting $10,000 in 30 days
Many of you know the game I play - manifesting $1000 in 10 days . It's totally doable, it's fun, it's easy.... and I have done it many times over. Sometimes I do it just to make sure "I still got it" haha. A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with Jeannette Maw she mentioned to me she was going …
Awareness is KEY to Money Blocks
Recently I have been working with my clients on kicking money blocks to the curb. Awareness is so key. You're half way there just realizing them. As those gremlins or muggles pop into your head- you can tell them - no that is just a limiting belief and no longer a thought I choose to …
Moving Through Fear
My BFF always has a saying "Move through fear". If something scares her, she doesn't run away from it - she moves TOWARD it. The first time I realized she did that - it kind of freaked me out! Why would you move towards something that scares you. We were in Banff, heli-hiking one year and we got to …
Be a Powerful Money Magnet
I was going through some papers looking for something and I came across an old email that I had printed out to my ex back in 2007. It totally cracked me up! It was an email on how to be a powerful money magnet. HA! Even back then I must have known something however I don't recall the email at all. …
Financial Magic
When I play with Money there is always Magic. I believe in Magic and if you are reading this then so do you! I just finished reading Financial Sorcery by Jason Miller. (Part of Good Vibe University Book Club and Jeannette just wrote a post! Here's a few things that I enjoyed from the book that …
Jubilee- Debt Paid!
There was something I read long ago in the Bible when I was in high school. I may not remember it correctly so I'm not going to even pretend to quote to the Bible but it was something that was ingrained into me. That was Jubilee, where all debt was forgiven. I heard the word again years ago among …
Money Wants to Be Happy!
What do you think Money would say if Money could talk? Money would tell you it wants to be happy. Not only does it want to be happy , it wants YOU to be happy when you are spending it. When you are giving it. When you are investing it. When you are thinking about it. When you are borrowing it. …
Releasing Fear & Letting in Money
Life is supposed to be fun. Life is for us to live to our highest potential. Joy and abundance are our natural state of being. Its our birthright and we can claim it! A good life is a creative and abundant life. As conscious creators we get to choose what we want. We choose how we want to feel. …