I read that sentence in a book recently and it really stuck with me. We all know thoughts become things. I say that all the time but what about the reminder that thoughts have to go somewhere.Where are your thoughts going? Are they going to fear? Anxiety? Despair? Sadness? What about shifting …
Don’t Give Up!
Last year, I had a couple of clients who decided to give up. My message to anyone who feels like they might want to give up is this: if I can change my life, anybody can. (Long time listeners of the podcast know exactly what I'm talking about!) Powerful affirmations can truly make the difference …
Wealth Mindset
Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate! While I have listeners all over the world, no matter where you are or what day it is, it's always a good idea to have gratitude.With that in mind, let's talk about the wealth mindset. As you know, what we focus on grows! So let's keep those high …
What’s Your Vibration?
To kick off November, I want to tell you a story about a time when I had to let go, and let the universe do its magic. Remember: we don't have to figure out the "how." When I relaxed a little, and focused on something else, I was able to turn my vibe around.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes …
We Are Not Muggles
Happy June, everyone! If you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you already know that I believe in miracles and magic — and that they both start with our mindset. So let's talk about that today. …
In honor of Thanksgiving here in the US, let's talk about gratitude this week. I'll start us off by sharing some of the things I'm grateful for this year. No matter where in the world you are when you tune into this show, I hope you'll do the same.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to …
Money and Mind Tweaks
Welcome to September — my birthday month! On today's episode, I'll share a few fun things I read and listened to this summer, and how I incorporated them into my mindset.Check out: Bledsoe Said So https://bledsoesaidso.com/Die with Zero https://www.diewithzerobook.com/ (I may not agree with …
Sending Love to Our Taxes
This week's Podcast:Tax season is upon us, but that doesn't have to be a source of anxiety. Before you get out your receipts or crunch any numbers, let's set an intention that it will be easy — and send some love to taxes.First take a deep breath and set an intention of ease and entertain the …
Saying Yes To Money
This week's Podcast:As children, we had to ask permission for everything — and we're probably still in the habit of doing it! It's time move away from the old paradigm of scarcity, struggle, and permission. Today, let's move towards the power of saying yes to abundance, to success, and to …