Money is related to how we feel about ourselves. Because as we saw before that the equation of money is worthiness = unconditional love = energy = money. So its an integral piece in manifesting money. As we know that money is energy - as we flow love and appreciation to Money, Money comes in. …
manifesting money
Mastering A Wealth Mentality
I read in the Course in Miracles Made Easy: If you can realize how rich you already are, the car will show up as a manifestation of your wealth mentality. Like love, there are no external prerequisites to the experience of wealth. All the riches you could ever desire already exist right where you …
Joy = Money !
On my own spiritual journey there was a time when getting to RELIEF and PEACE is all I could do. But that was amazing in itself when there is a lot of contrast going on. By contrast I mean, lots of bills, putting food on the table. But getting to relief and peace worked. It still manifested …
Easy Does It…
I was thinking back to a few years when I was in all that contrast. $4000 mortgage, property taxes, bills all around me, the list was endless it felt. I had so many things I was trying to juggle, let alone put food on the table for myself. It wasn't even that long ago. There have been several …
Becoming A Thought Billionaire !
Recently my clients have been coming to me to manifest BIG money. I mean BIG money. Its really a lot of fun for me as I have been playing with the big energy of money myself to even get to a higher vibration. (So for me, I've been playing with the word currency - because it feels delicious and …
It’s All about Alignment!
How do we manifest what we want? Why does it not seem to come fast enough? Can you change that? These are some common questions that I receive all the time. The answer: Its all about alignment- vibration. What are you thinking? Your thoughts have power. What we focus on grows. If we focus …
The Impossible Becomes Possible
Over the holidays just for fun, my friend Rhonda said to make a list of things I wanted to experience or learn. This was different to me than my intention list for 2017. (That list was some serious things I wanted to manifest for this year) This list was just for some light hearted fun. I thought …
Happy New Year 2017- Certainty!
Self Love is the KEY to manifesting anything. It really is. Try it. I have been practicing this for several years. 2016, I finally got there all the way. All the way. How did I realize this? Because I got this affirmation : I AM Enough. I felt it all the way through the core …
What Does Archangel Michael Think About Money?
One thing that is so cool about working with the Metaphysical is just that. Its the metaphysical! Right? I mean I got an equation on Money from Kryon! Kryon apparently appreciates Money and wants us to as well so much so that he gave us an equation to tap into. The other very cool thing is …