Such a great question I received the other day. The full question was: “ I still have a very strong feeling of fear about spending money. Anytime I have to pay bills or spend money on things particularly, "fun" things, or making my world nicer like fixing up my apartment which really needs help. …
manifesting money
Top 5 On How To Release the “Need” for Money
Many LOA experts say Money comes in when we don't NEED it. In fact, they say money comes in faster when we don't NEED it. But what about when we really DO NEED it. How do we release that need so money can come in. Based on my own experience here are my top 5: When I really didn’t know HOW I …
An Interview With Money
This call is inspired by Amina Makhdoom's Joy Challenge. Janice Whiting from LiftedSpiritz co hosted a call for Good Vibe University : I had asked the question if you could interview money what would you ask. In so doing, in even thinking about the questions itself opened up such an awareness …
Self Love – How it Relates to Money
Money is related to how we feel about ourselves. Because as we saw before that the equation of money is worthiness = unconditional love = energy = money. So its an integral piece in manifesting money. As we know that money is energy - as we flow love and appreciation to Money, Money comes in. …
Mastering A Wealth Mentality
I read in the Course in Miracles Made Easy: If you can realize how rich you already are, the car will show up as a manifestation of your wealth mentality. Like love, there are no external prerequisites to the experience of wealth. All the riches you could ever desire already exist right where you …
Joy = Money !
On my own spiritual journey there was a time when getting to RELIEF and PEACE is all I could do. But that was amazing in itself when there is a lot of contrast going on. By contrast I mean, lots of bills, putting food on the table. But getting to relief and peace worked. It still manifested …
Easy Does It…
I was thinking back to a few years when I was in all that contrast. $4000 mortgage, property taxes, bills all around me, the list was endless it felt. I had so many things I was trying to juggle, let alone put food on the table for myself. It wasn't even that long ago. There have been several …
Becoming A Thought Billionaire !
Recently my clients have been coming to me to manifest BIG money. I mean BIG money. Its really a lot of fun for me as I have been playing with the big energy of money myself to even get to a higher vibration. (So for me, I've been playing with the word currency - because it feels delicious and …