On the last episode, I had you ask yourself questions about what you desire. This week, we'll go a little further into questions about wealth consciousness.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
manifesting money
If You Can Imagine It You Can Have it Part 1
Happy March! Let's kick off the month by talking about imagination, and asking ourselves questions about what it is that we desire. Stay tuned for part 2 later this month!Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Where’s the Money?
This episode was inspired by a recent client of mine, who has been studying law of attraction for several years, doing everything "right," but nothing seemed to work! And you know what? I had been there. Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Get Your Joy On
So I have been observing myself for the past few weeks. I can say that I’m conducting a little experiment within myself. I’m seeing a DIRECT correlation between JOY and MONEY. The more fun I’m having the more Money is rolling in. The last few weeks I’ve been taking voice lessons. It’s the most …
Moving A Money Set Point
As August comes to a close, let's talk about the 3 steps to moving a money set point. No matter where that set point is, you can move up!Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Keeping Our Vibration Up
I have been following COVID 19 very closely these past few weeks. Especially how it has been affecting other countries. I also have been following the money. How it's affecting our economy and bottom line how it's affecting us. Many people have expressed to me their fears about not being able to …
Dealing with People Who Contradict positive thoughts about Money
This week's podcast is Q and A. I love questions because it helps us all learn. Someone asked how do you suggest dealing with people who contradict positive feelings about Money? First of all anytime anyone says anything negative about Money , your money, theirs or even the world's finances. You …
I Am Worthy Statements
Why are self love and worthiness so integral to manifesting money? Sometimes, when I first start working with clients, we don't even talk about money right away. We begin at the beginning: "I am worthy" statements.It's important to look at our relationship to Money. Because when you look at the …
What is it About the Money?
I know, I know — you're listening to me because you want to manifest more money. I get that, and I'm here to help! But this week, I want you to ask yourself: is it about the money, or is it about what the money will do for you? Let's talk about it.In this podcast I'll give you some examples on what …