On today's episode, let's talk about what I used to think was the most challenging practice out there: acting as if. How can we apply this powerful tool to wealth and abundance? What are some of the little steps we can take to get started?Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money …
law of attraction
Intentions for 11/11
Wow, November is already here! That means a special day is coming up: 11/11. For the past few years, that's a day I like to really call in the angels, the fairies, the guides, and the spirit team to focus on intentions. This year, I'm inviting you to do the same!Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes …
Change Your Story
If you don't like what's happening in your life — change it! Change the word, change the story, and believe in it. On today's episode, I'll share a few examples of times when I did exactly that.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Why Doesn’t It Work Anymore?
Have you ever hit that point in your manifesting where you think, "What's taking so long? Why isn't it here yet?" If so, this is your reminder to change up those thoughts! Let's shift out of thoughts that come from lack consciousness, and into wealth consciousness.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on …
Thoughts Create
I may be the Money Alchemist, but even I need to stop and examine my thoughts about money sometimes! After all, money is energy and our thoughts create our reality. Let this episode be your reminder: sometimes, we all need to refocus.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on …
If You Can Imagine It You Can Have it Part 1
Happy March! Let's kick off the month by talking about imagination, and asking ourselves questions about what it is that we desire. Stay tuned for part 2 later this month!Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Crafting Your Intentions
Sometimes, we forget just how powerful we are — but this week, I'm here to remind you. We can create our own heaven on earth, just from our thoughts! So let's practice being more deliberate, conscious creators.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Let It Be Joyful
December is already here, and that means it was time for me to look back on my vision board for 2020. Long-time listeners might remember that the phrase I chose for 2020 was "Let it be joyful." Surprisingly, it wasn't hard at all to find the moments of joy, even in a year as wild as this …
If You’re Stuck in a Loop?
A few of you asked me this question: What do I do if I'm stuck in a loop?This week, we're going to focus on answering that question. And I'm going to start with a few questions of my own:What have you accepted as normal?How can you shift that view?Remember, what we focus on grows. So if we …