I read in the Course in Miracles Made Easy: If you can realize how rich you already are, the car will show up as a manifestation of your wealth mentality. Like love, there are no external prerequisites to the experience of wealth. All the riches you could ever desire already exist right where you …
law of attraction
Mud Room In the Mind
Equanimity is a perfect, unshakable balance of mind. —Nyanaponika Thera Picture: @hawkes.landing thank YOU! I am reading this awesome book right now by Rick Hanson Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom. My favorite chapter is where he is talking about having a …
Joy = Money !
On my own spiritual journey there was a time when getting to RELIEF and PEACE is all I could do. But that was amazing in itself when there is a lot of contrast going on. By contrast I mean, lots of bills, putting food on the table. But getting to relief and peace worked. It still manifested …
Money Meditation
A few days as I sat with the energy of Money, a little meditation or invocation or activation came in. So I wrote it down. I allow money in to my life. I allow money in my mail box. I allow money into my bank accounts . I allow money into my purse and wallet. I allow money to flow effortlessly and …
Money Wants to Be Happy!
What do you think Money would say if Money could talk? Money would tell you it wants to be happy. Not only does it want to be happy , it wants YOU to be happy when you are spending it. When you are giving it. When you are investing it. When you are thinking about it. When you are borrowing it. …
Reality Sculpting : Healing Technology
I have recently been practicing with a new modality of healing. I have been practicing energy healing for many years now. But I have never come across anything like this. Its different than Reiki. When we want to manifest our desires, its all about alignment. When we want to manifest money we …
The Power of Visualization
This post is inspired by one of my clients. She's been doing her alignment work. We've been working together for 3 months now. Her request to me was , Ming, take me to the Moon. Well, with a request like that only magic would ensue. I was sure of it. She's been doing her affirmations, her I AM …
Becoming A Thought Billionaire !
Recently my clients have been coming to me to manifest BIG money. I mean BIG money. Its really a lot of fun for me as I have been playing with the big energy of money myself to even get to a higher vibration. (So for me, I've been playing with the word currency - because it feels delicious and …
It’s All about Alignment!
How do we manifest what we want? Why does it not seem to come fast enough? Can you change that? These are some common questions that I receive all the time. The answer: Its all about alignment- vibration. What are you thinking? Your thoughts have power. What we focus on grows. If we focus …