It’s never a dull moment in my life. haha. There is always something going on. As you know I love the metaphysical – fairies, angels, dragons, goddesses – I did mention the Pleiadians in my book. I came across Micheila Sheldan on a youtube where she was on an E.T Panel. I was so intrigued that I decided to get a reading of my own. The Pleiadians came through – and I am posting the transcript- they did acknowledge the equation of money and its importance which is very cool. I have been getting more downloaded information about prosperity and wealth consciousness that is coming to the surface! But for now, if you choose, enjoy the transcript :
Speaker 1: This recording is for Ming. Today is April the 13th, 2018 and this is Micheila Sheldan.
Micheila S.: Greetings and blessings, we are the Pleiadians. As we step forward into this energetic transmission in love and light we are very pleased to support you as you bring your intentions forward as well. It is our experience that many humans on the planet are undergoing a significant dimensional shift in their reality causing fragmented soul pieces to step forward to assist in the understanding of your assignment and blueprint in how humanity is calling differently from you that which you are creating to a degree within the reality of the third dimension, shifting into multi-dimensional awareness. We want to start with your creative energy flowing into currency and the understanding of currency for humanity. Before we go into what you are stepping towards and what you are creating next we want to take a step backwards to explain who you are genetically, why you chose this life in this linear timeline, the access or the gifts that you bring into this linear timeline and how you’re divine blueprint aligns with what you are creating.
Micheila S.: You see, as the Pleiadians we step forward to explain who we are in relationship to your genetics. We’re ancient Pleiadians meaning that we have a history or a lineage through time, not only in the Pleiades but also as hybrid humans we have an enochi DNA and we’ve worked on the planet as creators, as seeders of your environment. You as a Pleiadian have spent many, many times or timelines within this star system focused within the accentuation of humanities connection to the universe. We talk about accentuation we want to explain exactly where we’re coming from and how this purpose came about.
Micheila S.: You see, Pleiadians are universal ambassadors for many races and many beings, as they are exchanging information universally. You see, every race in the universe comes to expand an aspect of itself for the purpose of expanding the overall collective energy of The One. This being said, there was always an intention to exchange information between beings who were ascending at a rate of speed that may have been higher or more advanced than those that were in a slower dimensional speed of advancement. The purpose was that these beings would not have to replay karmic experiences but were to be activated in their inner technology to not repeat the patterns that many of us who are ancient in universal structure have experienced, but to receive the support energetically, the guidance, the wisdom, to allow their own unique experience to take them into expansion. Not only of their soul journey but of their entire race.
Micheila S.: There was a unique aspect of the earth that skewed many timelines universally and many of us became interested in the flow of information between the earth and other beings. As such, seeing this dimensional potential that was affecting other beings in a discordant way, many signed up to become conduits or healers manifesting into human form or coming to the earth to try to avoid a segmentation of the earth from the time grid. In other words, many collectives had perceived that humans, or the human race, should be segmented from this universal energetic sharing. Not such that they would suffer, or because they needed to be punished in some way but because what they were creating was actually wreaking havoc on many other beings in the universe. You were one in Pleiadian, ancient Pleiadian form, that signed up to come to the earth in many different human and human hybrid forms to assist in maintaining the earth’s connection to all things, to the universe, to receive multi-galactic information such that a shutdown of the grids or a segmentation of the grids would not happen for the human race.
Micheila S.: As such, you’ve lived many lives on earth where you’ve had intergalactic or inter-dimensional contact. This contact includes not only the Pleiadians but many other star systems and galactic centers throughout the universe to assist humanity in upgrading its structure. We want to speak to some of these lives on the earth but we first want to explain that you as an ancient Pleiadian were very present upon the earth when the human race first was manifested as a being. That many of us Pleiadians as well as other races had a similar intention. That intention was to create a race that was so highly advanced that it would receive the highest aspects of all forms of races coming together in this one intention to create. As such, the multi-galactic DNA or the 12 strand DNA was born. This 12 strand DNA works as a portal through light to receive or source that which it is. In other words, this 12 strand DNA unique being was not having to … We would say, let’s find the correct word … Struggle or strive to receive that in being the fullness of what it had created itself to be.
Micheila S.: It was divinely aligned with source to allow a two way flow, or exchange, to take place. That two way flow or exchange would enhance the entire universe and, of course, the exchange through experience in the grids. You see what happened through time that you noticed from your Pleiadian vantage point, was that humans became so limited in their DNA and their technology that they were not sourcing as the fullness of their original structure. They became very singularly focused. They became very physically focused. The dimension that they achieved in that singular focus set up a hologram or we’ll say a pattern of energy that kept them believing that outside of them was where resource lied. Because resource lied outside of them there was something they must physically do in order to receive that resource. What happened was a grid energy was formed that continued to expand these discordant timelines.
Micheila S.: In other words, instead of resolving what humanity had created in discordance, many of the beings that came to the planet began to recognize the pure issue going on, which was ultimately within the DNA and the belief structure of that singularly focused being. As such, many councils were called forward to make decisions about how information would continue to be shared, and a segmentation or a grid interruption was put in place such that humans were no longer receiving this two way flow or energetic support from multi-galactic beings. Now, you coming to the earth as a hybrid human, a Pleiadian, and a full human being have been focused in many areas in which sourcing was, we’ll say the intention because although humanity tends to put sourcing in the same category as receiving it is actually two different things.
Micheila S.: Sourcing is not necessarily receiving because receiving has been defined as something that is required. That we must receive as a requirement for our ability to sustain ourselves in this planetary existence. Actually it is our divine birthright to source or exchange information, such that we are always sustained and in harmonic balance with this one organism of humanity or of earth. Restoring that for you through time has been a common thread, or a common theme that is woven within your higher self between many fragmented soul pieces. Now you do come with a galactic ability from your Pleiadian experience that we want to describe as a gift and we want to first say that you’ve not only been a Pleiadian, of course, you’ve traveled the galactic universe in many forms. The reason that the Pleiadians come forth in this vibrational transmission is that they most align with your current vibration and the identity that you carry the potentials that you are forming.
Micheila S.: The reason is that the Pleiadians continue to have a focus or an assignment on the way humans are able to source their reality, vibrationally match potentials, and manifest what is needed to express their highest potential held within their blueprint. Now many of the gifts that you came with show a connection throughout the galactic universe to other star systems. The reason for this, of course, is that that galactic ambassador that was understanding of this flow of energy and observing it traveled throughout time and became an ancient teacher of the way that source energy works through universal law in other dimensions. It’s not just that you understand, or teach, or explain in this dimension the way humans source, but you have an overall understanding through time of the way universal law operates in different dimensions within each different vibrational structure to attune them to this higher organism, this higher self energy, which is a consistent flow of abundance. It is not required in order to sustain, it just is a relationship to all things.
Micheila S.: Some of these lives required you to communicate directly with these beings in other dimensions because you were reinstalling the DNA technology. We want you to first consider that what you’ve already created in this life holds a frequency. Often times humans get very caught in the teaching, they get caught in the healing, they get caught in the transmissions or the words, and they don’t anticipate that what they’re downloading, what they’re offering through them is actually multi-dimensional codex because when you think about the 12 strand DNA and all of the different facets that came together to operate within humanity to allow the connection to source, you can imagine the requirement of this access in working within a codex to exchange information between the carbon DNA and the between the crystalline DNA. This is essentially your ability in this life to crystallize a 12 strand DNA in order to step back into this fullness of source energy. Not necessarily as a requirement to receive, but as a flow to complement who humanity has become.
Micheila S.: Now you’ve asked the question, “What am I to do in the next version of this codex? This next vibrational transmission?” We’re not here to direct you in that. We’re here to offer potentials that we see aligned with your divine blueprint and to explain them to you in a way that activates your structure. In order to do this we want to explain what’s going on currently on the planet in midst of this grid shift that humanity finds itself within. You see, the way this old grid formed, or we’ll call it this third dimensional or singular grid formed, was through human belief and through human limitation within its DNA. Because of this, because of the limitation in the DNA and the lack of crystallized strands that offered multi-dimensional access humanity forgot who they were. They had to define everything around them through their perception.
Micheila S.: When humans began to align themselves with source energy they immediately in the physical defined it as something monetary. The money system on your planet, the financial system on your planet is actually the humans interpretation or definition of source energy, but of course, it has become very limited in its ability to sustain humans as they are advancing or ascending. What’s happening right now that we see on your planet is that humans definition or limiting beliefs around this source energy, or this exchange of source is not allowing them to use a new grid potential that has come in, and is ultimately embedded within their DNA. This new grid potential is an open source capacity. It enables humans who are living in the fullness of their 12 strand DNA to receive not for the sake of receiving as a necessity, but again, to tap into the flow of source energy that is not limited by time, it is not limited by output or input, it does not hold any requirements and physicality, it is just a divine birthright.
Micheila S.: What you are actually moving into is a full activation of the DNA back to original 12 strand energy to allow this new grid support, which is already here to come through and activate humanity. We believe that the codex that is coming in is not necessarily the same as your original output because, of course, you are responding now to a different collective. The collective is always vibrationally changing and as they vibrationally changed you are recalibrating your frequency to receive that which is equal to the way they must understand, integrate, create an alignment with the codex. What we believe is there are several changes that are adopting within your structure right now to access or unfold a new, we’ll call it program, for humanity to understand both in physical as well as complementing that understanding with a non-physical vibration. We want to speak to what is known on your planet as block chain technology, or alternative currencies that are coming into the physical reality.
Micheila S.: You see, this is another step in the redefinition of source energy. It is a positive sign for humanity because that monetary system that was created is now showing a replacement that is based on less restriction and more energetic exchange. You can see that this is a manifestation from a vibrational potential collectively that humanity has now activated and is grounding here. We believe that this will become a very important focus, not necessarily for the codex or the vibrational attunement of humanity that you are offering, but as a very grounded relationship to the vibrational change or reconnection to source that is coming in. In the soul container, or in that singular focus it was important to understand worthiness. It was important to understand the definition of the self as limited such that that monetary flow can come in. We believe this is still important but you’re moving into a more collective vantage point now.
Micheila S.: It is not just receiving for the self or sourcing for the self, but it is sourcing for the self in alignment with offering to the collective. When humanity is operating in its truth or in its full identity it is sourcing for the benefit of all, which means it must support the divine blueprint. Every human has something within them that aligns to a unique aspect of this collective that they are here to offer. If they are not in belief of this, or they are not awakened to this they are not sourcing through this pure access that this new grid is now stabilizing for humanity. This codex or application in non-physical shows a vibrational transmission that allows an understanding to crystallize the DNA. When we are teaching, for example, the teaching or the words, or the history, or the lessons that come through conduits such as yourself, they hold vibration such that there are two components of any one human that are being activated in the moment.
Micheila S.: There is the physical or the mind body experience that is taking this information and able to apply it in their physical reality, and there is the light body that is here in non-physical form attuning the DNA and pulling forth the records, the remembrance of how to operate. Essentially open source is the way that humans were designed to interact and this open source doesn’t mean that the monetary system can’t exist, it just means that in order to allow that monetary system to adjust to this new dimensional space a new belief structure must be put in place. That belief structure is that we are galactic citizens, that we are sourcing with a purpose and that purpose is what allows a magnetic charge to interact between source energy and our singular timelines. Our singular timelines are very important and this will also be a part of this codex that you are developing. Many believe that financial abundance in itself is a singular aspect of their relationship to time, but really abundance or sourcing is a complete collective container of all timelines.
Micheila S.: Meaning that the relationships that you are in will affect your ability to source and to manifest how they are defining you, how they are limiting you, or how they are restricting you in your DNA. Your ability to create, or your perception of your ability to create in sovereignty in this life has everything to do with your ability to source. What we see is a widening of the perspective around the monetary experience for humans, and that ultimately you’re restoring humanity back to its original state, which is sourcing within its 12 strand DNA for the self and for all others, not for a requirement of something in physical. We also believe that as you are walking this transition you’ll be opening your minds to a variety of tools that are coming in to assist you beyond what you have experienced thus far.
Micheila S.: Your channeling ability is shifting between dimensions, meaning that you are raising your potential to work with collectives and these collectives are coming in to support your endeavors. You have asked the question, “Was I a healer of multi-dimensional beings?” We believe we have answered this question in your galactic travels in the way that you are teaching other beings how to work within universal law, how to source within their structure. Teaching is essentially an activation or a healing, but we also want to say that you’ve worked within the grids using sound harmonics to assist in clearing the structure for sourcing, and we wish to give you an example of this.
Micheila S.: When there is density within the structure, meaning that humans have created some stress, some resistance, not allowing themselves to be fully cleared or in the present moment of their experience, they cannot tap into this new grid because density is what keeps humans singular. The less density that a structure has the more ability to source in its pure state it acquires. You have used this technique in other dimensions working with extra-dimensional beings to clear their density. Now, of course, density is accumulated differently in different dimensions. Not always the same as humans but you do have the ability in this life to clear density from the structure and connect as a pure conduit to source energy recalibrating to crystallize the DNA in its 12 strand state. We believe that this is something that you’ve already tapped into and is also present in the vibration of what you are creating or offering.
Micheila S.: You tapping into the guides, we want to clarify that as well. This Phillip or David that you have been experiencing in the multi-dimensional universe is actually a fragmented soul piece through time that you are integrating of the self. What is happening right now in the planet is human beings are in an open portal to pull, or draw, or magnetize, we should say, the soul pieces through time that are most applicable to who they are becoming. These soul pieces, they will show up in different forms and in different dimensions as they integrating with you bringing you knowledge and wisdom that are often shown to you in physical. Meaning that you will be led to teachers, teachings, experiences, beings that are here to support the evolution of what you are offering. You can consider this process to continue as you go through 2018.
Micheila S.: Many of the beings that you tap into are becoming more 12th dimensionally aligned so we wish to advise you that the ancient Pleiadians, and especially the ancient anochi are ones that may show up as support for you as you are offering this vibrational transmission or as guidance to you in physical as you are snychronistically magnetizing the pieces, or the information of what you are assembling in your next creation.
Micheila S.: Finally we wish to say that there’s a bridge that you are forming in what you have created. This bridge is moving humanity between its limited DNA potential in the old grid, or a replay or repeat of karma, which has essentially held them back from sourcing without any expectation in physical, whether it be time or exchange, and moving them towards an open source reality, through which they are sourcing for their blueprint, their unique individual signature, and their creative assents. This, of course, is going to take many years in linear time to ground here, but you came into this timeline at a very important conjecture within the human collective ascension timeline because as the earth grids have been shifting and as the poles are reversing there will be a tremendous change in consciousness, meaning many humans will now be accepting the opportunity to reintegrate those DNA strands that have been dormant to crystallize those DNA strands that have yet to be tapped into.
Micheila S.: As they do this they are looking for guides who have grounded here such as yourself to assist their physical reality in bridging from this expectation based or limited based reality into something that is more of a flow. As we go forward in your potential timeline energy what we wish for you to say is that it’s not just creating these codex’s or transmissions that will be a part of your work. We believe that the work that you are doing as a guide or a healer is going to become far more prominent especially in collective energy. We believe that you will be manifesting collectives of beings that are requiring your abilities, knowledge, and energetic transmissions to assist them as they move between these timelines. We have been very pleased and honored to connect with you through this transmission. In love and light go in peace. Many blessings.
[…] for awhile now. I wanted to understand it and see how it all worked. (It was actually the Pleidians that told me money was changing– they said it was blockchain technology and cryptocurrency) Of course then I would pay […]