What do you think Money would say if Money could talk?
Money would tell you it wants to be happy. Not only does it want to be happy , it wants YOU to be happy when you are spending it. When you are giving it. When you are investing it. When you are thinking about it. When you are borrowing it. When you are loaning it. When you are receiving it!
How many times have you been reluctant, when you have been hesitant, when you have been afraid.
It is too much money? Is it not enough money? Should I spend this, should I borrow it, should I? Could I? Would I?
Flat out- Money wants to be happy. Whatever it is that you are doing with it.
Money is a happy energy. Not only is it a certainty- its a happy feeling. Money wants you to be happy. Guess what? When you are happy , when you are vibrating happy- Money is attracted to that- so what happens? Yes, more money. It is a vibrational thing. It’s a like attracts like thing.
Think about all the things that make you happy. Puppies, chocolate, call from a good friend, flowers, walk on the beach, sex, movies, dancing, running, sports, any kind of animal:), singing, gardening, good food, wine, beer, ice cream! Getting the picture? Yes, all those things that make you happy.
Money wants to do that for you.
So join me in allowing Money to make you happy.
Love this reminder Ming! Great post! ?
Asking money what fun it would like to have is another great way to activate this energy. Thank you Ming for reminding us to have fun with money!
Absolutely…. a fabulous way to connect with Money… and having fun is TOTALLY key. Thanks for stopping by again!
Wait……. about pairing sex and money…….yeah….no. hehehe. My happy money and I will go play now.
haha some people equate sex with being happy Karen. Thanks for the comments and stopping by!
L-O-V-E this! Brought a tear to my eye! Guess it spoke to my soul, huh?!! Happy it is.
Aww…. I love that Kendall. Money loves you….