There was something I read long ago in the Bible when I was in high school. I may not remember it correctly so I’m not going to even pretend to quote to the Bible but it was something that was ingrained into me. That was Jubilee, where all debt was forgiven. I heard the word again years ago among some spiritual (not religious) circles that a “Jubilee” was coming. Again, it was the idea that debt was forgiven, debt was paid or literally debt was GONE!
When I heard this it immediately brought back good thoughts. It brought an amazing delicious thought of wow, debt is gone. That feels so good. I don’t owe anyone anything anymore. Could this be? No bills in the mail anymore? Wow, it feels so delightful. It feels liberating. It feels FREE. I continued to play with this thought …. each day I would tune into the thought of having no debt. I thought to myself would it be possible to be debt free? I also said to myself, one day these credit card companies are going to beg me to want their money. These people are going to be throwing money at me. They are going to want ME to loan their money. They are going to ask me.
Because in reality I was in a deep hole of debt. I even had debt people calling me on the phone trying to collect money from me.
But I stayed steadfast in the belief that Jubilee existed. It existed for ME. In the the heart of my heart I believed it could be true. I was always taught and I quote Jeannette Maw , “if you believe it, then it exists”
I continued to tune into Jubilee. All I did was think about it. The way it would feel, the way I would feel.
It started to happen …. as I look back, I realized I DID tune into the energy of Jubilee and it came for me. I actually then aligned up with the energy of Jubilee and all debt was gone.
It is true- companies are trying to get me to loan their money and my credit card (I only choose to have 2 now) have increased my line of credit.
When I get those letters now , I laugh.
Here’s to Jubilee to all.
Love this post Ming Chee! I just committed to no longer using CCs and placed the note in my “God Box” right before I saw your post! The energy must be perfectly aligned! Thanks for the confirmation!
I’m going to pattern your behavior of the Jubilee concept and milk it today!
I now pay my bills enthusiastically and effortlessly and money runneth over!!!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us!
Yay Mindy. I love it. Milk it! It works. It totally does. I am living proof.
What a great message Ming! I visualize being debt free as my money visualization and it never fails to make me feel a lot better about my good friend, money. You are always an inspiration my friend!
Yay Leslie, glad you enjoyed it. Your very good friend – Money. Thanks for the comments.
Why have I NOT been visualizing being debt free?!?! Thank you for making me realize this! I can visualize whatever the heck I want, so hell yes I want to be debt free! Thank you for the great reminder and ooooo I love the word Jubilee! So delicious!
Jamie, you crack me up!!! Yay, glad you enjoyed the post. I agree Jubilee is an awesome word.
Thanks for stopping by!
I have personally experienced a Jubilee, and it was not that long ago!…maybe 6 years, or so. I was totally debt free! It was absolutely the MOST amazing, freeing feeling. I had no car payment, no mortgage, no credit debt, no loans… I was able to save so much, and spend mostly as I wished. And, since I’ve done it once, I can do it again! So be it – bring in the Jubilee! 🙂
Yay, then such an easy energy to tune into then again right?! Easy peasy.
Ah, Ming, I am debt free too! I have been for several years but had to borrow $1500 last year. I just paid that off a week ago, yay! My next task is to start rebuilding my savings for bills due later this year. Feels great! I am making great progress and those people are offering ME moola too! One day I will be depositing those checks for $25,000 into my account! As income free and clear! Woo hoo!! Much love…and thanks!
Ha Teri check you out!!! You are amazing… look at the money coming in for you.. That is fantastic. Thank you for sharing this!!! Muahs.