On my own spiritual journey there was a time when getting to RELIEF and PEACE is all I could do. But that was amazing in itself when there is a lot of contrast going on. By contrast I mean, lots of bills, putting food on the table. But getting to relief and peace worked. It still manifested MONEY.
But I remember one day it was as if a door opened, or I got off an escalator. I remember it specifically happening in my brain. There was a shift. It was to JOY. I thought to myself. OMG, I got to joy. How did I do this? I mean, peace and relief yes is awesome. I loved it there. I still love it there every now and then when I get knocked out of joy. I bring myself to peace and relief and there I go – into JOY.
Now, relief , peace and JOY- your sweet spot. Not even thinking about Money, money comes in.
Money and Joy are friends. They are bed partners. They are BFFS. So get to joy. By getting to joy is talking to a good friend on the phone, going on a dog walk, smelling flowers. It doesn’t have to be something that is OVER the Moon. Joy is and can be everywhere.
When you tune into joy, something happens in our brain. I mean literally something changes. Those neurons in our brain changes.
I googled joy the other day and read: If you can change your brain, you can change your life.
Great teachers like the Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, and Gandhi were all born with brains built essentially like anyone else’s—and then they changed their brains in ways that changed the world. Science is now revealing how the flow of thoughts actually sculpts the brain, and more and more, we are learning that it’s possible to strengthen positive brain states.
Here’s to joy and money.
As always, your timing is perfect! Thanks for the boost Ming!
Thank you Leslie!!! Consider yourself BOOSTED!!!
We are experiencing a Joy fest!!!
I’m open to receive!
Yes yes yes!!!! Open to receive and PLUG into that JOY ! Yay Dana. Thanks for stopping by!
As always, Ming, you are so inspiring! Thank you for your post..I think I am in the “Joy” place…it is wonderful.!! Things are going my way so much, it’s hard to believe!!
Oh, btw, I got my masters in Reiki in Februart. I plan to use it for my pets. Thank you for your help with Samantha. We ended up putting her to sleep a couple weeks ago. My giving her Reiki did help keep her comfortable. . She really did enjoy it. Thank you for all you did for her. 🙂
Ami. Love to Samantha. So glad you got your Reiki Master as well. That is fabulous. Thank you for stopping by the money blog. Yay! so appreciated .