Synchronicity abounds. It’s 11:11 as I am typing. I have been thinking about a miracle that I read about in the Bible years ago as a child. I never forgot it because I thought it was so cool.
Fast forward, I met a guy who probably had a past life as a disciple who was there at the time when 5000 people were fed by 2 fish and 5 barley loaves. Major miracle!
I’m tapping into this energy. Quantum physics tells us that we all can tap into this miraculous energy. Feeding 5000 with just 2 fish and some bread?! Well yes, it can be done because everything exists. Every reality is laid out before us.
Fun part is that we get to choose.
I’m seeing miracles all around me in the Blue Money group. It’s a private Facebook group where we all share our miracles. I’m seeing spiritual math everywhere. Thus, holy multiplication! (You can join our group too if you like!)
I loved logging into my credit card and seeing that I had a negative balance. Who said a negative can’t be a positive?! It was like free money staring at me.
For 2020 I’m holding that vision of the 5000 being fed with just 2 fish and some bread. Here’s to our Abundance!
Yes Ming! Here’s to 2020 and the abundance that’s our birthright! Let’s turn some water to wine while we’re at it!
Happy New Year Dana. And yes, probably my 2nd favorite miracle hahahaha. You aren’t the first to mention that to me today!
LOVE this.
Yay Karen! Happy to hear this.