Who’s money story are you telling? Are you telling yours? Are you telling mine? Or are you telling a combination of yours, mine and ours.
Growing up we are told the many myths that were deemed true by those we love about money. It’s hard to come by, money is the root of all evil, the rich get richer the poorer get poorer, etc.In all honesty they didn’t mean us any harm, they felt the were preparing us for the real world.But aren’t we so lucky to know how the world really works. Yet many of us are still having tiny bugaboos when it comes to money. What’s the hang up? Well let’s find out:
Say I am a long time friend who is coming into town. I am not LOA Savy and I am very opinionated about economics and politics. How would you answer me if I asked how your doing? Did you finally pay off your mortgage? Did you buy that dream car you posted about on FB? Did you clear your debts like you said you would by now? If you know exactly what you’d say and feel confident and positive about it ” YOU ARE AWESOME”. If you developed pits of doubt and fear by just reading this then guess what? YOUR’E AWESOME TOO! Because the whole part of concious creation is the journey.
Now let’s try something. I would like you to tell a new money story, one where you are the “BOMB”at manifesting money :). One could sound like ” my bills are paid and I have so much left over I should treat my friend to dinner. Or one where you are always getting calls from your financial advisor because your investments keep doubling. See, this story is going to be so much fun because it’s going to be YOURS, not mine ,not your parents, but yours. And you can make it whatever you want it to be.
The key here is to be easy and understand that this process is all about you seeing your power. Seeing your ability to direct your life in the direction of your desires. I know most think it’s about the things you will enjoy when you have the money. But what I’m enjoying is watching my life reflect MY money story and acknowledging and giving credit where it’s due. Because when I do Source and I are singing the same tune.
So my friends who’s money story are you telling? Yours? Mine? Or a combination of ours? Because it really doesn’t matters who you tell. Whay matters is if it’s making you feel good.
Have a great week and tell your money story for what it really is. ABUNDANT.
Written by with love,
Melissa Hamilton
Thank you so much again for allowing me to write on this majestic site. It has not just been an honor to have a session with you, but to also call you my friend. What you have done for yourself and many others not just financially but energetically is special. So again thank you, and I look forward to engaging my relationship with money even further with you.
Melissa, thank you for your blog post. It has been my pleasure to post. I am getting positive feedback even if they aren’t post on the comments 😉 Big love to you!
Thank you Melissa! A great reminder to watch self talk around money so that we can write that new story. I have found this easy in many areas, now it’s time to create financial abundance with ease too 🙂
Tellng a new story is super powerful!!! Thanks Melissa!!!
wow – reading this post today was serendipity because it is exactly 100% what I needed to read – I have been frustrated about a particular money situation in my life right now – and this post is helping me to energetically turn that around -instead of feeling like “that terrible bank! why won’t they work with me??” I am feeling like – wow – once they complete the review process I am sure they will work with me… also thinking like – wow – I bet my friends will refer clients quickly and easily…. and yes just generally raising my vibration all around – thank you for the post!
Deanna, glad you are telling a new story 😉
“The key here is to be easy and understand that this process is all about you seeing your power. Seeing your ability to direct your life in the direction of your desires. ”
Wow, Melissa, that is a really big thought! I enjoyed reading this very much and will be thinking about it for some time to come. Thank you for sharing your voice!