One thing that is so cool about working with the Metaphysical is just that. Its the metaphysical! Right? I mean I got an equation on Money from Kryon! Kryon apparently appreciates Money and wants us to as well so much so that he gave us an equation to tap into. The other very cool thing is …
The Money Alchemy Blog
Money and Love Can Be Friends
I have been thinking about this phrase since my last blog. It means several things to me. Money and Love- friends yes, of course! What kind of love? You will tell me that its self love because you have been reading all my posts! Yes, self love! Certainly, and all related to the equation of Money. …
Living in a Vibration of Abundance
How is it to live in a vibration of Abundance? For me I feel like I am there. Its definitely a vibration I live in. Its a feeling of abundance, of joy, of freedom. It's a feeling where I feel like I work because I want to not because I have to There is no lack, there is no scarcity. That is how I …
Guest Post: Yours Mine and Ours
Who's money story are you telling? Are you telling yours? Are you telling mine? Or are you telling a combination of yours, mine and ours. Growing up we are told the many myths that were deemed true by those we love about money. It's hard to come by, money is the root of all evil, the rich get …
Dreaming Of Money
Do you ever dream of Money? I have had clients email me and tell me they have dreamed of money and what does that mean? Does it mean it's here? Is it coming? In my experience when I dream of Money it is a very positive and fun thing. A few years ago I dreamt of the word "retirement". At the time it …
The Equation of Money!
Since 11/11 (2016) the energy has been so intense and so amazing as well. During several meditations I was given at least 4 healing boxes that goes with the other hat that I wear (Reiki Fur Babies) but I realized that not only does it go there, it fits here. Right here with the energy of …
Tuning Into the ENERGY of Money
This past week I was tuning into the energy of Money like never before. There is a definite energy to Money. Since I can connect to the Metaphysical, I noticed that the energy of Money is different than the angels, the fairies, the goddesses, the Archangels and even the Pleidians. In connecting to …
Money Fairies!
Years ago when I was in some very serious contrast, I was practicing keeping my vibration at the highest place possible. I was very clear that this was going to be key for my literal survival. I kept a tight circle of friends that I knew would support me and definitely wouldn't bring my vibe down. I …
Money is Related to Worthiness & Self Love?
Being raised in a family where Money was often a measure of love was sometimes a very difficult thing. In fact, it made one not like Money so much. If giving money to each other was a measure of love. What happened to actually saying I love you. It wasn't said that much in my family. It is now …