I'm doing an Abundance Series for Good Vibe University this year. January was all about an abundance of people. Since that has been activated I have found myself appreciating all the people around me. From the lady at Fred Meyer that is so kind to me to my supportive friends to my awesome …
The Money Alchemy Blog
Asking For a Sign
Recently on a big manifestation that I am envisioning... there seemed to be a little snafu. Well it was a big one! It was about MONEY! Maybe even money missing. I didn't spend much time focusing on it because I know whatever I focus on grows. I wasn't worried or concerned. But then it was 2 …
Dialing Back Our Thoughts
We know that what we focus on grows. It's the law of attraction. Like attracts like. For instance, I have an aging dog. It's so difficult to watch her age, in fact it's downright painful. Not long after that Lucy started to lose her hearing! I had to tap her on the shoulder to get …
Why letting go of Resistance is Important
This morning I found myself coaching myself! I realized that I was wishing I was in a different situation ! Oh boy, not so good to be doing that. I was causing my own resistance. We know what we resist persists. I was also doing this for a period of days not even realizing it. I was creating a …
Let It Be Easy!
That is my intention for this year - to let things be full of ease and grace. As my corgi Lucy is aging she needs a little more attention from me. For example, I have to carry her down the stairs now. She can go up but not down. She also needs to go outside a little more often as well. With this …
Inviting Money, C’mon In!
When we get a little anxious about where the money is, the last thing to do is to panic or get anxious. I have to admit that crept in about a week ago. First of all what I did was ask where that was from - the anxiety.... and you know at night when it feels like your defenses are down, and that …
Bringing in 2019!
Here we are about to head into 2019! I always choose a word, a phrase or a theme for my year. Then sometimes I forget about it. But it's like setting an intention and then letting go. Last year's word was Transformation. Looking back , wow did I get just that. Many things changed within me and …
What Inspires YOU?
I got inspired to do something new next year. It was something that I had been resisting for such a long time . It had been brought to my attention several times. It didn't feel good. It was actually intimidating to me. If it's not fun I'm not doing it. That has been my motto for a long time. …
What I am Looking For I am Looking With
I reviewed The Art Of Abundance - Ten Rules to a Prosperous Life by Dennis Merrit Jones for Good Vibe University this month. Great reference book. I wanted to share the fish parable because I loved it so much. I'm going to paraphrase it but if you want it word for word you can see it in the …