This week's Podcast: Let's tune into the stories we tell ourselves about money and abundance. With that awareness, we can choose to tell different stories.Remember the Equation of Money? The worthiness and self love is also related to this. Self talk is also in the realm of self love. What are …
Tending To Our Vibration
Our vibration is a good indicator in where we are at. If we are in fear, lack and anxiety our vibration could use some tending to. The Universe is listening and responding to our vibration. It's not a matter of whether we are good or bad, it is what we our vibrating. If we are worried about …
Believing is Receiving
This week's podcast:Wanting something is not enough. You have to believe it so that you can achieve it. Let's set the intention to raise our expectations — and tap into our imagination along the way. Once you set things in motion, you'll find there's a lot of momentum behind belief!The Universe …