This week, I want to talk to you about a topic that really lights me up: quantum physics! I'll share a few passages from the book Quantum Revelation by Paul Levy, and we can explore just how this all relates to abundance.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
The Vibration of Joy
I've been called a Pollyanna, but you know what? I prefer it that way. Let's talk about leaving lack behind us, and moving into a vibration of joy.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Guided Fairy Meditation to Abundance
A lot of you have been asking about Ming's money fairies. This week, here's a short meditation to help you connect with the money fairies! Here we go! A quick listen to either with your eyes closed or open. You'll meet Kingsbury and go on a little journey to find a gold coin that expands! Use your …