Let's unlock the magic of two simple words: What if? What if your house was paid off? What if you were gifted a car? What if your child's education was free? Don't think about the how — just think about *what* would happen *if* these things were true. Practice tapping into the reality you …
The Power of Imagination
Your imagination is the key to believing that anything is possible. If you're in the unknown, that's the perfect time to conjure up a miracle using the power of imagination.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …
Self Love For Valentine’s Day
With Valentine's Day this week, I'd like for us to focus on self love — because whether or not you have a significant other, you have YOU! Make some time this week to celebrate your relationship with, well, yourself!Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …