I have been taking a mini break from the Money Alchemy Podcast. It’s been nice to ponder within. My intention had been to receive some new inspirations. Wow, did the Universe deliver!The last few days have been so eye opening for me. For me personally. On my mission. I always knew I was here …
What’s Calling You?
Well, here we are in July. I have to admit, I had so many thoughts rolling around in my head last month that I almost couldn't make sense of them. But then I read some words that cut right through the chatter:"It's not what you're supposed to do. It's what you're called to do."Aha! I had gotten …
If You’re Stuck in a Loop?
A few of you asked me this question: What do I do if I'm stuck in a loop?This week, we're going to focus on answering that question. And I'm going to start with a few questions of my own:What have you accepted as normal?How can you shift that view?Remember, what we focus on grows. So if we …