Well, here we are in July. I have to admit, I had so many thoughts rolling around in my head last month that I almost couldn't make sense of them. But then I read some words that cut right through the chatter:"It's not what you're supposed to do. It's what you're called to do."Aha! I had gotten …
If You’re Stuck in a Loop?
A few of you asked me this question: What do I do if I'm stuck in a loop?This week, we're going to focus on answering that question. And I'm going to start with a few questions of my own:What have you accepted as normal?How can you shift that view?Remember, what we focus on grows. So if we …
Rich or Poor Question
Today, I'm going to answer a question from a listener. If you've developed a money allergy, you'll definitely want to tune in to this episode!Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to Money Alchemy on Stitcher …