Have you ever hit that point in your manifesting where you think, "What's taking so long? Why isn't it here yet?" If so, this is your reminder to change up those thoughts! Let's shift out of thoughts that come from lack consciousness, and into wealth consciousness.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on …
Money and Mind Tweaks
Welcome to September — my birthday month! On today's episode, I'll share a few fun things I read and listened to this summer, and how I incorporated them into my mindset.Check out: Bledsoe Said So https://bledsoesaidso.com/Die with Zero https://www.diewithzerobook.com/ (I may not agree with …
Core Values
Do you know what your core values are? They might be freedom, peace, connection, growth, integrity, or so many other things. If we're not in alignment with our core values, things just feel... off. So take a few moments this week to identify your core values. (The image credit to Festoon House …