I'm going to wrap up the month of May with a few final thoughts on Manifesting with Alignment. As we move into the summer months, keep this in mind: life is a mirror. If you're looking at life and smiling, life will smile back. So today, let's talk about the role of our thoughts.Subscribe to …
Manifesting With Alignment
Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences after the last episode. Because of that, I want to keep talking about the book Manifesting with Alignment. Let's start here: imagine for a moment that instead of chasing after what you desire, what you desire is chasing you!Subscribe to Money Alchemy …
What You Feel Internally Will Manifest Externally
Let's start off the month of May by talking about some manifesting principles! This episode was inspired by the book Manifesting with Alignment, by Ryuu Shinohara. I want you to practice looking at your first response to a situation, and see if you can shift that. Remember! What you feel inside, is …