Today, I want to share some testimonials for my book, Money Blues to Blue Money. Consider these stories an invitation to think about your own relationship with money — because it truly has the power to heal our relationships with other people, too.Subscribe to Money Alchemy on iTunes Subscribe to …
Receiving Is A Thing
Have you heard those stories about people who win the lottery, only to have the money they won almost disappear? Well, it all comes down to your vibration. To kick off April, I want you to think about your vibration, and how much you could receive if you pay attention to it.Subscribe to Money …
Thoughts Have To Go Somewhere
I talk a lot about the power of our thoughts on this show — after all, our thoughts become things. But let's take some time on this episode to explore where our thoughts go. Are you thoughts going to fear, anxiety, and sadness, or towards hope, joy, peace, and fun?Subscribe to Money Alchemy on …