Oh I love this so much. I have been thinking about musing over and creating mantras around the energy of an Angel Investor : One of my affirmations: I AM the Cosmic Santa Claus?! Ah. This is Spiritual Think Tank and also Spiritual Currency.I am embracing this energy… of an angel investor.Generosity: …
The Ripple Effect of A Single Act of Kindness
Spiritual Currency. Sometimes, the most ordinary moments can lead to extraordinary changes. This is a story of how a simple gesture of appreciation became a catalyst for transformation and a testament to the power of positive energy and support. (I’m leaving out details for privacy)Last September, …
My Favorite Books
There are not manifesting books per se. But these are books that I read for pleasure and yes, while some of them make me laugh or just plain entertain me if you they lift your vibration its a wonderful thing. Lessons in Chemistry was so good. There was some manifesting lessons in there as well. But …