Equanimity is a perfect, unshakable balance of mind. —Nyanaponika Thera Picture: @hawkes.landing thank YOU! I am reading this awesome book right now by Rick Hanson Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom. My favorite chapter is where he is talking about having a …
Joy = Money !
On my own spiritual journey there was a time when getting to RELIEF and PEACE is all I could do. But that was amazing in itself when there is a lot of contrast going on. By contrast I mean, lots of bills, putting food on the table. But getting to relief and peace worked. It still manifested …
Money Meditation
A few days as I sat with the energy of Money, a little meditation or invocation or activation came in. So I wrote it down. I allow money in to my life. I allow money in my mail box. I allow money into my bank accounts . I allow money into my purse and wallet. I allow money to flow effortlessly and …