My BFF always has a saying "Move through fear". If something scares her, she doesn't run away from it - she moves TOWARD it. The first time I realized she did that - it kind of freaked me out! Why would you move towards something that scares you. We were in Banff, heli-hiking one year and we got to …
Be a Powerful Money Magnet
I was going through some papers looking for something and I came across an old email that I had printed out to my ex back in 2007. It totally cracked me up! It was an email on how to be a powerful money magnet. HA! Even back then I must have known something however I don't recall the email at all. …
Financial Magic
When I play with Money there is always Magic. I believe in Magic and if you are reading this then so do you! I just finished reading Financial Sorcery by Jason Miller. (Part of Good Vibe University Book Club and Jeannette just wrote a post! Here's a few things that I enjoyed from the book that …