Many of you know the game I play - manifesting $1000 in 10 days . It's totally doable, it's fun, it's easy.... and I have done it many times over. Sometimes I do it just to make sure "I still got it" haha. A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with Jeannette Maw she mentioned to me she was going …
Thoughts Become Things
Thoughts become things. Thoughts become things. I have been saying this all week. Realizing it as well. No matter what we are thinking - they become energy. Tangible. If we think loving thoughts - they flow. If we think anxious thoughts they flow. If we focus on lack- we get more of …
Awareness is KEY to Money Blocks
Recently I have been working with my clients on kicking money blocks to the curb. Awareness is so key. You're half way there just realizing them. As those gremlins or muggles pop into your head- you can tell them - no that is just a limiting belief and no longer a thought I choose to …