Such a great question I received the other day. The full question was: “ I still have a very strong feeling of fear about spending money. Anytime I have to pay bills or spend money on things particularly, "fun" things, or making my world nicer like fixing up my apartment which really needs help. …
An Interview With Ming Chee
Here's the link to the interview with Smashwords: I would love it if you had additional questions for me to add them in the comments! Thank you! What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you? Social Media has been the most …
Creating Money Affirmations
One of my clients has graciously agreed to allow me to share her limiting money beliefs and how she changed them to money affirmations. If you have worked with me for a minute you'll know I will ask you what 2 words come to mind when you think about money. It's not a good or a bad thing it's just …