Recently I have been working with my clients on kicking money blocks to the curb. Awareness is so key. You’re half way there just realizing them. As those gremlins or muggles pop into your head- you can tell them – no that is just a limiting belief and no longer a thought I choose to carry!
Money Blocks:
If I spend my money, I won’t have any left and end up in financial ruin
I should be making a lot of money by now
I feel frustrated that money isn’t flowing in quickly and easily
More money is going out than coming in
I feel anxious whenever I have to spend money
Spending money is being irresponsible
I have to do things I don’t enjoy to make money
I have to work hard for money
Money takes sacrifice.
I have to work long hours for Money
I have to be away from home to make money
I am not worthy of money
Women cannot make lots of money
If any of these are rolling around in your head, let’s kick them to the curb and think abundant high vibrating thoughts.
Speak your dreams into being so that they become your reality. YOU are the co creator , the guardian of your happiness. It’s time to believe in amazing possibilities because they are in your future. Inspire that hope. Hope always replenishes and uplifts.
It doesn’t matter if your goals are simple or involved as long as you spend every day living well. The life you life right now is the result of everything you have thought. Join me in living well.
Hi Ming,
“More money is going out than is coming in.” That’s my old belief. Thanks for the reminder that I do not have to carry that around with me any more! I’m living well and having a great life now!
Love to you,
SO yay Caren. Money is energy. Money going out – money coming in ! Next time that little thought creeps in you can kick it to the curb!
Love speak your dreams into being! These are so helpful Ming, the muggles for me have to do with spending. So I’ve been changing them into I Am Worthy statements. The more money I spend, the more money comes in! I know this to be true, but the gremlins like to convince me otherwise! The thought of kicking them to the curb works for me. Thank you, Ming!
Yay Sandra for the awareness you are receiving. Yes, money likes to come and go 😉 Its absolutely okay to spend.
Let’s kick them all to the curb! WOO HOO!